Encouraging each other spiritually includes a variety of experiences in addition to our weekly worship services. Join others in a biblical study, serve on a ministry team, or participate in one of many events such as a retreat, hike, or church picnic which are planned throughout the year.
1 Thessalonians 5:9-11 (NIV)
For God did not appoint us to suffer wrath but to receive salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ. He died for us so that, whether we are awake or asleep, we may live together with him. Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.
Walk the faith journey with others through Bible studies or discipleship groups such as managing finances or having a godly marriage. These Bible-centered journey groups meet at various times and locations during the fall and spring semesters, and new groups are constantly coming onto the scene. We also endorse other groups in Anchorage with a specific focus such as grieving or addiction recovery.
If you don’t find a group that suits your passion, we encourage you to start one! Let us know if you want to lead a group with your preferred, biblically sound curricula so that we may list your group. Groups can target a specific demographic or be open to anyone.
Are you musically/technically gifted and looking for a place to serve?
Email Clear Water's Admin assistant to get started!

Prayer services are held throughout the year and are announced in our weekly bulletin and on our calendar.
Clear Water provides prayer books called Seek God for the City to unite and guide our personal prayer times during Lent. These heavenly kingdom-minded prayers help us anticipate the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ as we remember His death for our sins and celebrate His resurrection from the dead to secure our eternal life.
Serving with others is builds relationships with others and brings purpose to our lives. Your skills, talents, and resources have an eternal impact. Discover ways to serve at Clear Water and in our community. Clear Water supports and highlights other local and global ministries too. We also send out individuals and teams to serve in Alaska and around the world!
We believe that church membership is important for mutual accountability. Explore what it means to be a member through our membership classes.
These happen about every 2-3 months and we advertise them throughout the year..
To sign up for the next membership class contact James Embree at james.embree@clearwater.church