Ways to Serve
You have God-given talents, skills, and resources.
See how your gifts can make a difference!
1 Corinthians 12:4-7 (NIV)
There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them. There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. There are different kinds of working, but in all of them and in everyone it is the same God at work. Now to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good.
Our Sunday worship services can only happen with great teams. Serving on one of our ministry teams such as children’s, worship, hospitality, or setup helps you get to know more people and offers camaraderie in ministry. Simply try “First Serve” to check out a ministry team without making a long-term commitment. Ministry together is more fun! Contact one of our team leaders about First Serve:
Children’s – Carla Merriner Providing excellent care for our children and pointing them toward Christ
Worship – Sabrina Merriner – Leading in corporate worship and engagement with the Lord
Audio & Video – Sabrina Merriner– Using the arts to glorify God
Projection – Karla Kluesner – Using the arts to glorify God
Greeting & Hospitality – James Embree – Helping people feel glad they came
Consider hosting or leading a journey group. Actually, any level of participation in a group allows you to minister to others and be ministered to contact Zach Williams.
Some ways to serve may include something on our skills, talents, and resources inventory. Fill out this form, so we can be in touch when needs within the church arise. Personal Ministry Ideas
We spent 11 years meeting at Wendler Middle School and we have had great opportunities to bless tand servce them during that time. While we no longer meet there, we are still looking to reaching out and bless the teachers and the students regularly.
Most years we have gotten to host the teacher dinners at Wendler’s student-parent-teacher conferences in October, provide Thanksgiving meals and Christmas gifts to Wendler families in need. This helps us develop our relationship with the staff, faculty, and families. Details on getting involved are communicated as each one is planned.
Connect with and pray for missions in our city, state, and world. Clear Water highlights other local and global ministries in our worship services to stay mindful about God’s work everywhere.
Consider going on a mission trip. We’ve been sending a team to Noorvik, Alaska each summer to host a vacation Bible school for the kids and camp for the youth. Teams and individuals have also gone to India, Burma, Bolivia, Slovakia, and other places around the world to serve.